
The Abc library is the human-friendly data-manipulation library in Alembic, and provides object-based wrappers around the AbcCoreAbstract layer.

As well, and in contrast with AbcCoreAbstract, the Abc layer provides for interpretation of the data manipulated with it, e.g., rather than a pointer to a contiguous block of 1024 bytes at the AbcCoreAbstract layer, at the Abc layer those bytes can be thought of as a value instance of Imath objects.

class alembic.Abc.Argument
class alembic.Abc.ArraySampleIterator
next((ArraySampleIterator)arg1) → object
class alembic.Abc.ArraySampleList
class alembic.Abc.BooleanTPTraits

alias of BoolArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.Box2dTPTraits

alias of Box2dArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.Box2fTPTraits

alias of Box2fArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.Box2iTPTraits

alias of Box2iArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.Box2sTPTraits

alias of Box2sArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.Box3dTPTraits

alias of Box3dArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.Box3fTPTraits

alias of Box3fArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.Box3iTPTraits

alias of Box3iArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.Box3sTPTraits

alias of Box3sArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.C3cTPTraits

alias of C3cArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.C3fTPTraits

alias of C3fArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.C3hTPTraits

alias of C3fArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.C4cTPTraits

alias of C4cArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.C4fTPTraits

alias of C4fArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.C4hTPTraits

alias of C4fArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.ChildIterator
next((ChildIterator)arg1) → IObject
class alembic.Abc.ChildList
alembic.Abc.CreateArchiveWithInfo((str)fileName, (str)ApplicationWriter, (str)UserDescription[, (Argument)argument=<alembic.Abc.Argument object at 0x227e1b8>[, (Argument)argument=<alembic.Abc.Argument object at 0x227e140>[, (bool)asOgawa=True]]]) → OArchive :

Create an OArchive with the passed arguments

class alembic.Abc.Float16TPTraits

alias of FloatArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.Float32TPTraits

alias of FloatArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.Float64TPTraits

alias of DoubleArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

alembic.Abc.GetArchiveInfo((IArchive)IArchive) → dict :

Return a dictionary that contains info of the given IArchive

alembic.Abc.GetLibraryVersion() → str :

Return the version number of Alembic Library in a string

alembic.Abc.GetLibraryVersionShort() → str :

Return the version number of Alembic Library and date built in a string

class alembic.Abc.IArchive

The IArchive class opens an existing Alembic archive for read access

getCoreType((IArchive)arg1) → str :

Return the archive CoreType

getMaxNumSamplesForTimeSamplingIndex((IArchive)arg1, (int)index) → int :

Returns the max number of samples set for the TimeSampling at the given index.

getName((IArchive)arg1) → str :

Return the file name

getNumTimeSamplings((IArchive)arg1) → int :

Return the total number of TimeSampling in the Archive

getTimeSampling((IArchive)arg1, (int)index) → TimeSampling :

Return the TimeSampling with the given index

getTop((IArchive)arg1) → IObject :

Return the single top-level IObject

valid((IArchive)arg1) → bool
class alembic.Abc.IArrayProperty

The IArrayProperty class is a array property reader

getDimension((IArrayProperty)arg1, (ISampleSelector)arg2) → object
getKey((IArrayProperty)arg1, (ISampleSelector)arg2) → str
getNumSamples((IArrayProperty)arg1) → int :

Return the number of samples contained in this property

getParent((IArrayProperty)arg1) → ICompoundProperty :

Return the parent ICompoundProperty

getTimeSampling((IArrayProperty)arg1) → TimeSampling :

Return the TimeSampling of this property

getValue((IArrayProperty)arg1[, (ISampleSelector)iSS=<alembic.Abc.ISampleSelector object at 0x2287350>]) → object :

Return the sample with the given ISampleSelector

isConstant((IArrayProperty)arg1) → bool :

Return True if there’s no change in value amongst samples

isScalarLike((IArrayProperty)arg1) → bool :

Return True if 1 and only 1 element exist per sample

serialize((IArrayProperty)arg1[, (ISampleSelector)iSS=<alembic.Abc.ISampleSelector object at 0x22872d0>]) → object :

Return the sample with the given ISampleSelector as a string

class alembic.Abc.IBaseProperty_Array

The IBaseProperty class is a property reader

getDataType((IBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property

getHeader((IBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → PropertyHeader :

Return the header of this property

getMetaData((IBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → MetaData :

Return the MetaData of this property

getName((IBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → str :

Return the local name of this property

getObject((IBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → IObject :

Return this property’s IObject

getPropertyType((IBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → object
getTimeSampling((IBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → TimeSampling :

Return the TimeSampling of this property

isArray((IBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is array

isCompound((IBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is compound

isScalar((IBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is scalar

isSimple((IBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is simple (non-compound)

reset((IBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → None :

Reset this property to an empty state

valid((IBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → bool
class alembic.Abc.IBaseProperty_Compound

The IBaseProperty class is a property reader

getDataType((IBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property

getHeader((IBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → PropertyHeader :

Return the header of this property

getMetaData((IBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → MetaData :

Return the MetaData of this property

getName((IBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → str :

Return the local name of this property

getObject((IBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → IObject :

Return this property’s IObject

getPropertyType((IBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → object
getTimeSampling((IBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → TimeSampling :

Return the TimeSampling of this property

isArray((IBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is array

isCompound((IBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is compound

isScalar((IBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is scalar

isSimple((IBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is simple (non-compound)

reset((IBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → None :

Reset this property to an empty state

valid((IBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → bool
class alembic.Abc.IBaseProperty_Scalar

The IBaseProperty class is a property reader

getDataType((IBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property

getHeader((IBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → PropertyHeader :

Return the header of this property

getMetaData((IBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → MetaData :

Return the MetaData of this property

getName((IBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → str :

Return the local name of this property

getObject((IBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → IObject :

Return this property’s IObject

getPropertyType((IBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → object
getTimeSampling((IBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → TimeSampling :

Return the TimeSampling of this property

isArray((IBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is array

isCompound((IBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is compound

isScalar((IBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is scalar

isSimple((IBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is simple (non-compound)

reset((IBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → None :

Reset this property to an empty state

valid((IBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → bool
class alembic.Abc.IBoolArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IBoolProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IBox2dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IBox2dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IBox2fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IBox2fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IBox2iArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IBox2iProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IBox2sArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IBox2sProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IBox3dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IBox3dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IBox3fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IBox3fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IBox3iArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IBox3iProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IBox3sArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IBox3sProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IC3cArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IC3cProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IC3fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IC3fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IC3hArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IC3hProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IC4cArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IC4cProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IC4fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IC4fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IC4hArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IC4hProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.ICharArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.ICharProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.ICompoundProperty

The ICompoundProperty class is a compound property reader

getNumProperties((ICompoundProperty)arg1) → int :

Returnt the number of child properties contained in this ICompoundProperty

getParent((ICompoundProperty)arg1) → ICompoundProperty :

Return the parent ICompoundProperty

getProperty((ICompoundProperty)arg1, (int)index) → object :

Return a child property with the given index

getProperty( (ICompoundProperty)arg1, (str)name) -> object :
Return a child property with the given name
getPropertyHeader((ICompoundProperty)arg1, (int)index) → PropertyHeader :

Return the header of a child property with the given index

getPropertyHeader( (ICompoundProperty)arg1, (str)name) -> PropertyHeader :
Return the header of a child property with the given name
class alembic.Abc.IDoubleArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IDoubleProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IFloatArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IFloatProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IHalfArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IHalfProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IInt16ArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IInt16Property

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IInt32ArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IInt32Property

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IInt64ArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IInt64Property

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IM33dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IM33dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IM33fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IM33fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IM44dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IM44dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IM44fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IM44fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IN3dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IN3dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IN3fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IN3fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IObject

The IObject class as an object reader

getArchive((IObject)arg1) → IArchive :

Return this object’s archive

getChild((IObject)arg1, (int)index) → IObject :

Return a child IObject with the given index

getChild( (IObject)arg1, (str)name) -> IObject :
Return a child IObject with the given name
getChildHeader((IObject)arg1, (int)index) → ObjectHeader :

Return the header of a child IObject with the given index

getChildHeader( (IObject)arg1, (str)name) -> ObjectHeader :
Return the header of a child IObject with the given name
getChildrenHash((IObject)arg1) → str :

Return a string representation of the children hash for this object. Empty string if not found.

getFullName((IObject)arg1) → str :

Return the full name of this object. The full name is unique within the entire archive

getHeader((IObject)arg1) → ObjectHeader :

Return the header which contains all the MetaData that was specified upon their creation

getMetaData((IObject)arg1) → MetaData :

Return the MetaData of this object

getName((IObject)arg1) → str :

Return the name of this object. The name is unique amongst their siblings

getNumChildren((IObject)arg1) → int :

Return the number of child IObjects that this object has

getParent((IObject)arg1) → IObject :

Return this object’s parent If the object is the top level object, the IObject returned will be an empty Object

getProperties((IObject)arg1) → ICompoundProperty :

Return the single top-level ICompoundProperty

getPropertiesHash((IObject)arg1) → str :

Return a string representation of the properties hash for this object. Empty string if not found.

instanceSourcePath((IObject)arg1) → str :

Return the instance source path that the instance points at. Empty string if not found.

isChildInstance((IObject)arg1, (int)index) → bool :

Return true if the child by index is an instance root object

isChildInstance( (IObject)arg1, (str)name) -> bool :
Return true if the named child is an instance root object
isInstanceDescendant((IObject)arg1) → bool :

Return true if this IObject is an instanceRoot, or an ancestor of one

isInstanceRoot((IObject)arg1) → bool :

Return true if this IObject is an instance root

reset((IObject)arg1) → None
valid((IObject)arg1) → bool
class alembic.Abc.IP2dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IP2dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IP2fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IP2fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IP2iArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IP2iProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IP2sArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IP2sProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IP3dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IP3dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IP3fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IP3fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IP3iArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IP3iProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IP3sArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IP3sProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IQuatdArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IQuatdProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IQuatfArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IQuatfProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.ISampleSelector

The ISampleSelector utilize the selection of the sample index for the initialized requested index or time

class TimeIndexType
kCeilIndex = alembic.Abc.TimeIndexType.kCeilIndex
kFloorIndex = alembic.Abc.TimeIndexType.kFloorIndex
kNearIndex = alembic.Abc.TimeIndexType.kNearIndex
names = {'kNearIndex': alembic.Abc.TimeIndexType.kNearIndex, 'kCeilIndex': alembic.Abc.TimeIndexType.kCeilIndex, 'kFloorIndex': alembic.Abc.TimeIndexType.kFloorIndex}
values = {0: alembic.Abc.TimeIndexType.kFloorIndex, 1: alembic.Abc.TimeIndexType.kCeilIndex, 2: alembic.Abc.TimeIndexType.kNearIndex}
getIndex((ISampleSelector)arg1, (TimeSampling)timeSampling, (int)numSamples) → int :

Return the requested index with the given time sampling and the number of samples

getRequestedIndex((ISampleSelector)arg1) → int :

Return the requested Index

getRequestedTime((ISampleSelector)arg1) → float :

Return the requested time

getRequestedTimeIndexType((ISampleSelector)arg1) → TimeIndexType :

Return the requested time index type

class alembic.Abc.IScalarProperty

The IScalarProperty class is a scalar property reader

getArrayValue((IScalarProperty)arg1[, (ISampleSelector)iSS=<alembic.Abc.ISampleSelector object at 0x2287150>]) → object :

Return the array sample with the given ISampleSelector

getNumSamples((IScalarProperty)arg1) → int :

Return the number of samples contained in this property

getParent((IScalarProperty)arg1) → ICompoundProperty :

Return the parent ICompoundProperty

getScalarValue((IScalarProperty)arg1[, (ISampleSelector)iSS=<alembic.Abc.ISampleSelector object at 0x22871d0>]) → object :

Return the scalar sample with the given ISampleSelector

getTimeSampling((IScalarProperty)arg1) → TimeSampling :

Return the TimeSampling of this property

getValue((IScalarProperty)arg1[, (ISampleSelector)iSS=<alembic.Abc.ISampleSelector object at 0x2287250>]) → object :

Return the sample with the given ISampleSelector

isConstant((IScalarProperty)arg1) → bool :

Return True if there’s no change in value amongst samples

class alembic.Abc.IStringArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IStringProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IUInt16ArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IUInt16Property

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IUInt32ArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IUInt32Property

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IUInt64ArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IUInt64Property

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IUcharArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IUcharProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IV2dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IV2dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IV2fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IV2fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IV2iArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IV2iProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IV2sArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IV2sProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IV3dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IV3dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IV3fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IV3fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IV3iArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IV3iProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IV3sArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IV3sProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IWstringArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property reader

static getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.IWstringProperty

This class is a typed scalar property reader

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.Int16TPTraits

alias of ShortArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.Int32TPTraits

alias of IntArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.Int64TPTraits

alias of IntArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.Int8TPTraits

alias of SignedCharArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.M33dTPTraits

alias of M33dArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.M33fTPTraits

alias of M33fArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.M44dTPTraits

alias of M44dArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.M44fTPTraits

alias of M44fArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.N2dTPTraits

alias of V2dArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.N2fTPTraits

alias of V2fArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.N3dTPTraits

alias of V3dArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.N3fTPTraits

alias of V3fArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.OArchive

The OArchive class creates an Alembic archive for write access

addTimeSampling((OArchive)arg1, (TimeSampling)timeSampling) → int :

Add the given TimeSampling to the Archive TimeSampling pool Returns the index assigned to the added TimeSampling index 0 is reserved for uniform time sampling with a start time of 0 and time per cycle of 1

getCompressionHint((OArchive)arg1) → int :

Return the compression applied to array properties

getName((OArchive)arg1) → str :

Return the file Name

getNumTimeSamplings((OArchive)arg1) → int :

Return the total number of TimeSampling in the Archive TimeSampling pool

getTimeSampling((OArchive)arg1, (int)arg2) → TimeSampling :

Return the TimeSampling with the given index

getTop((OArchive)arg1) → OObject :

Return the single top-level OObject

reset((OArchive)arg1) → None
setCompressionHint((OArchive)arg1, (int)compressionHint) → None :

Set the compression applied to array properties Value of -1 means uncompressed, and values of 0-9 indicate increasingly compressed data, at the expense of time

valid((OArchive)arg1) → bool
class alembic.Abc.OArrayProperty

The OArrayProperty class is an array property writer

getNumSamples((OArrayProperty)arg1) → int :

Return the number of samples contained in this property

getParent((OArrayProperty)arg1) → OCompoundProperty :

Return the parent OCompoundProperty

setFromPrevious((OArrayProperty)arg1) → None :

Set a Sample from the previous sample

setTimeSampling((OArrayProperty)arg1, (int)index) → None :

Change the TimeSampling used by this property with the given index

setTimeSampling( (OArrayProperty)arg1, (TimeSampling)TimeSampling) -> None :
Change the TimeSampling used by this property with the given TimeSampling
setValue((OArrayProperty)arg1, (object)array) → None :

Set a sample with the given array

class alembic.Abc.OBaseProperty_Array

The OBaseProperty class is a property writer

getDataType((OBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property

getHeader((OBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → PropertyHeader :

Return the header of this property

getMetaData((OBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → MetaData :

Return the MetaData of this property

getName((OBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → str :

Return the local name of this property

getObject((OBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → OObject :

Return this property’s OObject

getPropertyType((OBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → object
getTimeSampling((OBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → TimeSampling :

Return the TimeSampling of this property

isArray((OBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is array

isCompound((OBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is compound

isScalar((OBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is scalar

isSimple((OBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is simple (non-compound)

reset((OBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → None :

Reset this property to an empty state

valid((OBaseProperty_Array)arg1) → bool
class alembic.Abc.OBaseProperty_Base

The OBaseProperty class is a property writer

getDataType((OBaseProperty_Base)arg1) → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property

getHeader((OBaseProperty_Base)arg1) → PropertyHeader :

Return the header of this property

getMetaData((OBaseProperty_Base)arg1) → MetaData :

Return the MetaData of this property

getName((OBaseProperty_Base)arg1) → str :

Return the local name of this property

getObject((OBaseProperty_Base)arg1) → OObject :

Return this property’s OObject

getPropertyType((OBaseProperty_Base)arg1) → object
getTimeSampling((OBaseProperty_Base)arg1) → TimeSampling :

Return the TimeSampling of this property

isArray((OBaseProperty_Base)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is array

isCompound((OBaseProperty_Base)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is compound

isScalar((OBaseProperty_Base)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is scalar

isSimple((OBaseProperty_Base)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is simple (non-compound)

reset((OBaseProperty_Base)arg1) → None :

Reset this property to an empty state

valid((OBaseProperty_Base)arg1) → bool
class alembic.Abc.OBaseProperty_Compound

The OBaseProperty class is a property writer

getDataType((OBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property

getHeader((OBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → PropertyHeader :

Return the header of this property

getMetaData((OBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → MetaData :

Return the MetaData of this property

getName((OBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → str :

Return the local name of this property

getObject((OBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → OObject :

Return this property’s OObject

getPropertyType((OBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → object
getTimeSampling((OBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → TimeSampling :

Return the TimeSampling of this property

isArray((OBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is array

isCompound((OBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is compound

isScalar((OBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is scalar

isSimple((OBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is simple (non-compound)

reset((OBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → None :

Reset this property to an empty state

valid((OBaseProperty_Compound)arg1) → bool
class alembic.Abc.OBaseProperty_Scalar

The OBaseProperty class is a property writer

getDataType((OBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property

getHeader((OBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → PropertyHeader :

Return the header of this property

getMetaData((OBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → MetaData :

Return the MetaData of this property

getName((OBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → str :

Return the local name of this property

getObject((OBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → OObject :

Return this property’s OObject

getPropertyType((OBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → object
getTimeSampling((OBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → TimeSampling :

Return the TimeSampling of this property

isArray((OBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is array

isCompound((OBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is compound

isScalar((OBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is scalar

isSimple((OBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → bool :

Return True if this property is simple (non-compound)

reset((OBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → None :

Reset this property to an empty state

valid((OBaseProperty_Scalar)arg1) → bool
class alembic.Abc.OBoolArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OBoolProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OBox2dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OBox2dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OBox2fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OBox2fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OBox2iArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OBox2iProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OBox2sArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OBox2sProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OBox3dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OBox3dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OBox3fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OBox3fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OBox3iArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OBox3iProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OBox3sArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OBox3sProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OC3cArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OC3cProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OC3fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OC3fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OC3hArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OC3hProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OC4cArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OC4cProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OC4fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OC4fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OC4hArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OC4hProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OCharArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OCharProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OCompoundProperty

Tthe OCompoundProperty class is a compound property writer

getNumProperties((OCompoundProperty)arg1) → int :

Return the number of child properties that have been createtd thus far May change as more are created

getParent((OCompoundProperty)arg1) → OCompoundProperty :

Return the parent OCompoundProperty

getProperty((OCompoundProperty)arg1, (int)index) → object :

Return a child property with the given index

getProperty( (OCompoundProperty)arg1, (str)name) -> object :
Return a child property with the given name
getPropertyHeader((OCompoundProperty)arg1, (int)index) → PropertyHeader :

Return the header of a child property with the given index

getPropertyHeader( (OCompoundProperty)arg1, (str)name) -> PropertyHeader :
Return the header of a child property with the given name
class alembic.Abc.ODoubleArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.ODoubleProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OFloatArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OFloatProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OHalfArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OHalfProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OInt16ArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OInt16Property

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OInt32ArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OInt32Property

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OInt64ArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OInt64Property

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OM33dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OM33dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OM33fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OM33fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OM44dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OM44dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OM44fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OM44fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.ON3dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.ON3dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.ON3fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.ON3fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OObject

The OObject class is an object writer

addChildInstance((OObject)arg1, (OObject)arg2, (str)arg3) → bool :

Add a child to this OObject as an instance of another already created OObject

getArchive((OObject)arg1) → OArchive :

Return this object’s archive

getChild((OObject)arg1, (int)index) → OObject :
Return an already created child OObject with the given index
This does not create a new OObject as a child
getChild( (OObject)arg1, (str)name) -> OObject :
Return an already created OObject with the given name This does not create a new OObject as a child
getChildHeader((OObject)arg1, (int)index) → ObjectHeader :

Return the header of a child OObject with the given index

getChildHeader( (OObject)arg1, (str)name) -> ObjectHeader :
Return the header of a child OObject with the given name of the OObject - even if the OObject no longer exists
getFullName((OObject)arg1) → str :

Return the full name of this object. The full name is unique within the entire archive

getHeader((OObject)arg1) → ObjectHeader :

Return the header of this object

getMetaData((OObject)arg1) → MetaData :

Return the MetaData of this object

getName((OObject)arg1) → str :

Return the name of this object. The name is unique amongst their siblings

getNumChildren((OObject)arg1) → int :

Return the number of child OObjects that this object has This may change as new children are created for writing

getParent((OObject)arg1) → OObject :

Return this object’s parent If the object is the top level object, the OObject returned will be an empty Object

getProperties((OObject)arg1) → OCompoundProperty :

Return the single top-level OCompoundProperty

reset((OObject)arg1) → None
valid((OObject)arg1) → bool
class alembic.Abc.OP2dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OP2dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OP2fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OP2fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OP2iArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OP2iProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OP2sArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OP2sProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OP3dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OP3dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OP3fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OP3fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OP3iArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OP3iProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OP3sArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OP3sProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OQuatdArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OQuatdProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OQuatfArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OQuatfProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OScalarProperty

The OScalarProperty class is a scalar property writer

getNumSamples((OScalarProperty)arg1) → int :

Return the number of samples contained in this property

getParent((OScalarProperty)arg1) → OCompoundProperty :

Return the parent OCompoundProperty

setFromPrevious((OScalarProperty)arg1) → None :

Set a Sample from the previous sample

setTimeSampling((OScalarProperty)arg1, (int)index) → None :

Change the TimeSampling used by this property with the given index

setTimeSampling( (OScalarProperty)arg1, (TimeSampling)TimeSampling) -> None :
Change the TimeSampling used by this property with the given TimeSampling
setValue((OScalarProperty)arg1, (object)value) → None :

Set a sample with the given value

class alembic.Abc.OStringArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OStringProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OUInt16ArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OUInt16Property

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OUInt32ArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OUInt32Property

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OUInt64ArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OUInt64Property

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OUcharArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OUcharProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OV2dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OV2dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OV2fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OV2fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OV2iArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OV2iProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OV2sArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OV2sProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OV3dArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OV3dProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OV3fArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OV3fProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OV3iArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OV3iProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OV3sArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OV3sProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OWstringArrayProperty

This class is a typed array property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.OWstringProperty

This class is a typed scalar property writer

getInterpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string expected of this property

static matches((MetaData)metaData[, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) → bool :

Return True if the given entity (as represented by a metadata) strictly matches the interpretation of this typed property

matches( (PropertyHeader)propertyHeader [, (SchemaInterpMatching)matchingSchema=alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching]) -> bool :
Return True if the given entity (as represented by a property header) strictly matches the interepretation of this typed property, as well as the data type
class alembic.Abc.P2dTPTraits

alias of V2dArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.P2fTPTraits

alias of V2fArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.P2iTPTraits

alias of V2iArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.P2sTPTraits

alias of V2sArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.P3dTPTraits

alias of V3dArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.P3fTPTraits

alias of V3fArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.P3iTPTraits

alias of V3iArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.P3sTPTraits

alias of V3sArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.PropertyHeaderIterator
next((PropertyHeaderIterator)arg1) → PropertyHeader
class alembic.Abc.PropertyHeaderList
class alembic.Abc.QuatdTPTraits

alias of QuatdArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.QuatfTPTraits

alias of QuatfArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.ScalarSampleIterator
next((ScalarSampleIterator)arg1) → object
class alembic.Abc.ScalarSampleList
class alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching
kNoMatching = alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kNoMatching
kSchemaTitleMatching = alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kSchemaTitleMatching
kStrictMatching = alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching
names = {'kNoMatching': alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kNoMatching, 'kStrictMatching': alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching, 'kSchemaTitleMatching': alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kSchemaTitleMatching}
values = {0: alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kStrictMatching, 1: alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kNoMatching, 2: alembic.Abc.SchemaInterpMatching.kSchemaTitleMatching}
alembic.Abc.SetPrune((MetaData)metaData, (bool)shouldPrune) → None
alembic.Abc.SetReplace((MetaData)metaData, (bool)shouldPrune) → None
class alembic.Abc.SparseFlag
kFull = alembic.Abc.SparseFlag.kFull
kSparse = alembic.Abc.SparseFlag.kSparse
names = {'kSparse': alembic.Abc.SparseFlag.kSparse, 'kFull': alembic.Abc.SparseFlag.kFull}
values = {0: alembic.Abc.SparseFlag.kFull, 1: alembic.Abc.SparseFlag.kSparse}
class alembic.Abc.StringTPTraits

alias of StringArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.Uint16TPTraits

alias of UnsignedShortArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.Uint32TPTraits

alias of UnsignedIntArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.Uint64TPTraits

alias of IntArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.Uint8TPTraits

alias of UnsignedCharArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.V2dTPTraits

alias of V2dArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.V2fTPTraits

alias of V2fArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.V2iTPTraits

alias of V2iArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.V2sTPTraits

alias of V2sArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.V3dTPTraits

alias of V3dArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.V3fTPTraits

alias of V3fArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.V3iTPTraits

alias of V3iArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.V3sTPTraits

alias of V3sArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string

class alembic.Abc.WrapExistingFlag
kWrapExisting = alembic.Abc.WrapExistingFlag.kWrapExisting
names = {'kWrapExisting': alembic.Abc.WrapExistingFlag.kWrapExisting}
values = {0: alembic.Abc.WrapExistingFlag.kWrapExisting}
class alembic.Abc.WstringTPTraits

alias of WstringArray

static dataType() → DataType :

Return the DataType of this property type

static interpretation() → str :

Return the interpretation string